Care & Maintenance Instructions

Stone Mosaics & Tiles

  • Clean stone mosaics with a neutral cleaner designated safe for natural stone. Use a clean soft cloth for best results.
  • Do not use more than the recommended amount of any cleaning product. Change rinse water frequently.
  • Do not use products that contain lemon, vinegar or other acids on marble, travertine, bluestone or limestone as these can etch the surface of the stone.
  • Resealing throughout the life of the product is recommended.

Series included: Botany Bay Pebbles, Daintree Exotic Mosaics, Minnamurra Stone Moldings, Olgas’ Stone Planks, Pele Pebbles, Eco Rocks, Topiary

Standard Glass Mosaics:

  • Clean the surface of glass tile with mild soap and warm water. Wipe surface completely dry with a clean, lint free soft cloth.
  • Excessively dirty glass tile, use a non-abrasive cleaning compound recommended for glass. Rinse according to the manufacturer’s instruction.

Series included: Simpson Desert Glass, Little Sandy Glass Pebbles, Color Splash, Tundra Glass, Modern Edge, Reflections.

Crackle Glass

  • Regular cleaning with a mild bathroom cleaner or neutral tile cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge according to the manufacturer of the cleaner is recommended. Buff dry with a soft cloth.
  • Do not use acids, corrosive, or abrasive cleaners.
  • Resealing throughout the life of the product is recommended.

Series included: Venetian Glass.

Stainless Steel Mosaics

  • Metal mosaics (stainless steel) may be cleaned with warm water and soap or a mild detergent. Rinse the surface with clean water. Wipe with a soft, clean cloth. Cleaning products specially formulated for stainless steel may be used. Follow manufacturers instructions for product use.

Series included: Murray River Metals and Perth Penny Rounds.

Copper Mosaics

  • Regular cleaning with a neutral tile cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge is recommended. Use cleaning products that don’t leave a residue behind. Rinse with a soft wet cloth. Buff dry with a soft cloth.
  • Do not use acids or cleaners containing acids, oils, corrosive chemicals, or abrasive cleaners.
  • Do not use ammonia based cleaners on copper.
  • Through oxidization, all copper will patina in time (darkens or turns dark green).
  • Do not use acids, strippers, or solvent based sealers on the copper as it may remove the antiquing. Once the antiquing is damaged or removed, it cannot be repaired or replaced.

Series included: Murray River Metals and Perth Penny Rounds.

Aluminum Mosaics

  • Regular cleaning with a neutral tile cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge is recommended. Use cleaning products that don’t leave a residue behind. Rinse with a soft wet cloth. Buff dry with a soft cloth.
  • Do not use acids or cleaners containing acids, oils, corrosive chemicals, or abrasive cleaners.
  • Do not cover/protect the Victoria Metals with adhesive tape of any kind.

Series included: Victoria Metals

Blended Element Products

Some lines from the following series contain more than one element. The maintenance and care process should be as follows.

  • Regular cleaning with a mild bathroom cleaner or neutral stone cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge according to the manufacturer of the cleaner is recommended. Buff dry with a soft cloth.
  • Do not use acids, corrosive, or abrasive cleaners.
  • Do not use ammonia based cleaners on products with either Copper or Aluminum components.
  • Resealing throughout the life of the product is recommended.

Series included: Bennelong Point, Oxford Street, Gosford Glass & Stone, Sutherland Slate Stix, Anakie Marble & Metals, Studio Café, and Sydney Cove.

Glazed Ceramic & Porcelain Tiles

  • Clean glazed ceramic tiles regularly with clean water and or a Ph. neutral cleaner carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions. Buff dry with a soft cloth for best results. Regular cleaning will minimize the buildup of soap scum in showers.
  • Do not use acids or cleaners containing acids or oils, corrosive chemicals, or abrasives.
  • Crystalline Glazes have small cracks in the surface, This characteristic is not considered a defect. This product is extremely sensitive to acid and alkaline solutions. Only use neutral cleaners and water and dry immediately. If this product is used in a wet area, make sure to dry completely when not in use. See colors Emerald, Castille & Aquamarina in the Kaleidoscope Series.
  • Resealing throughout the life of the product is recommended.

Series included: Pilbara Habitat, Contour, Kaleidescope, Symmetry, Urban Rainforest, South Loop, Takao, Pathways, Chameleon.


  • Always inspect material prior to installation; Maniscalco accepts no responsibility for material once it has been installed.
  • Maniscalco is not responsible for the improper use of products.
  • Always refer to the Product Usage Tables for where specific items can be used.

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